Does my child need to see a Speech Pathologist?

Speech therapy for children can assist with difficulties in:

If you are concerned that your child is having difficulty in any of these areas, we recommend that you talk to a speech pathologist as soon as possible. It is rare for these difficulties to naturally resolve, so the ‘wait-and-see’ approach is no longer acceptable when it comes to speech therapy for children. Early treatment is the most effective, therefore early assessment is vital.

Is my child’s speech development normal?

All children reach milestones at different times, but research in speech therapy for children has provided guidelines that can detect if your child’s speech is developing normally. If you answer ‘yes’ to any of the questions below, an assessment by a certified practicing speech pathologist with paediatric experience is highly recommended.

  • Is your child reluctant to imitate sounds or words?
  • Is your child’s speech difficult to understand at times?
  • Does your child have difficulty understanding what you say to him/her?
  • Is your child stuttering or repeating words many times?
  • Does your child have difficulty saying some sounds of speech including S, R, TH, SH, CH?
  • Does your child speak in shorter, simpler sentences?
  • Is your child disinterested in communicating with people?
  • Is your child frustrated when trying to communicate or embarrassed by their speech?
  • Does your child have poor reading and spelling skills?
  • Does your child have difficulty paying attention?
  • Does your child have poor listening skills?
  • Does your child have trouble remembering spoken information?
  • Is your child unable to carry out complex multi-step instructions?
  • Does your child have a delayed response when providing answers?
  • Is your child slow time to process information?
  • Does your child have behavioural difficulties?
  • Is your child “tongue thrusting” when swallowing and affecting his/her teeth?

Is my child’s feeding and swallowing normal?

  • Is your child having difficulty transitioning to solids?
  • Does your child have difficulty chewing foods?
  • Does your child cough frequently after eating or drinking?
  • Does your child often have chest infections?
  • Is your child gagging on particular foods?
  • Does your child refuse or avoid certain foods?
  • Is your child eating a restricted range of foods?
  • Does your child have anxiety surrounding mealtimes?

This list is intended as a guide only: our blog provides more detailed information on speech therapy for children. If you are at all concerned about your child’s speech development, it’s always best to talk to us.

Are parents involved in speech therapy for toddlers and children?

Parents or caregivers stay in the room at all times throughout the child’s session. Parents need to see what’s going on in order to practice more effectively at home, and without a doubt – practice is vital! So, with active parental involvement, fun and stimulating activities, up-to-date and evidence-based speech therapy programs your child will receive the best treatment we have to offer.

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Set your child up for success with speech therapy for children.